Sunday, May 25, 2014

May 25, 2014

Dear Framily,

This was a huge week for our students who were kept busy every waking minute. The team from MNU brought lots of energy to the campus, along with Theater Camp, Vocabulary Games, Basketball Camp and evening activities.

On Thursday we had a Baptism. We enjoyed a typical Arizona sun and wind combination as we surrounded the children in the “pool” on our cross-sentineled hill. Seven students confessed Christ and vowed to follow and obey Jesus. Two were Roger’s students, and two were mine. Though we have a sense of isolation here, we could hear and see trucks on Interstate 40. It reminded us that we, and these students, must leave this refuge and live for Jesus wherever we go. For some of these children, this is an extremely tall order, as they will be bombarded by all kinds of evil when they go to their homes. We pray especially for our four that were baptized because we know how they waffled on their beliefs and wavered in their commitment to follow God’s Word all year. We pray that this baptism was a very meaningful and life-changing moment in their young lives.

The Promotion Program on Friday was also memorable. We enjoyed the rehearsal because we were able to award each child in our classes with some type of recognition. In the evening, we only presented a very important award such as straight A – honor roll or One who displayed the Character of Christ. The program was mostly devoted to the Graduation of the eighth graders, which went smoothly. All of the eighth graders gave a little speech, and their teacher wrapped up the year wonderfully.

As for us, we are on the Internet daily looking for jobs or areas of ministry where God might have us go. Thank you for you prayers on our behalf.

We love you all.



Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18

Dear Friends and Family,
We got some new chickens.
What an adventure it has been this year in Sun Valley, Arizona! And now we are down to the last week of school.

The eighth graders just got back from their trip to San Diego area. The chaperone reported that they were like tourists – just looking around and taking it all in. Most of them were hesitant to try new, unfamiliar things. They camped, went the beach, enjoyed an amusement park, and strolled around the area. She said as they got closer and closer to home, they became chattier and more animated. They obviously were relieved to come back to their safe little world here at SVIS. Our school also sent a Quizzing Team to Point Loma, CA last weekend. They did very well also. Two of the girls (from my class) scored in the 90%.

Eighth graders in Cali.

This week we have the team from Mid America Nazarene University on campus. They will do theater camp and vocabulary games in the morning and basketball camp in the afternoons. (We’ll do our own Bible class before the special events begin.) We’re looking forward to a different kind of week, hopefully more relaxing in a way.

Young staff members camped in CA over break.
Promotion will be on Friday. Promotion here is also the Awards Ceremony. We have prepared 
“fun” awards to give out during the rehearsal in the morning, and then the real awards for academic achievement and character will be given out when the parents come in the evening. Here are some of the awards I’m giving: Story Problem Queen, Makes me Laugh, “Oh, I get it now!” Friendship, “I Made a Game!” Most Expressive Reader, “Tell Me a Story,” Kindness, and Joy in Jesus. Yep. They were a fun group, and the magic started 
happening when we bonded early in the year.

R. has been walking and talking (with the Lord) a lot these days. It seems that we came and liked it here, and then we did what we would naturally do – got comfortable. Getting comfortable does not seem to be in God’s plan for us. God has given us resources and gifts for His Kingdom. Perhaps our Kingdom work is elsewhere, and God needs us to be off-guard and dependent on Him. Thank you for your prayers and notes this past week. Your input has been a real blessing.

Quizzers celebrate. Well Done.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

May 11, 2014

 Dear Friends,

This is our last week of real academics. We pray mostly that the spiritual lessons we’ve been teaching will be taken in by our children. Then the following week, we have special activities provided by a team from Mid America Nazarene University in Olathe, Kansas. They will add some vocabulary activities and theater fun to the morning and basketball camp to the afternoon. The baptism will be on the 20th, and we don’t know how many will be baptized. Promotion ceremonies are scheduled for the 23rd.

Much to our surprise, our contracts have not been renewed for next year.  We felt we had a good year of ministry to both students and fellow staff members.  We are comfortable here and were looking forward to long-term ministry.  Needless to say, we are distressed because we have super enjoyed working with the staff here and have really come to love the Navajo people. We are struggling with this news and with knowing what God has next for our lives. We don’t have a plan B, and waiting for the new plan A is always difficult.  Pray that we have the attitude that Paul had -– to allow God to do whatever He wanted to glorify Himself through Paul. And please pray that we are given open doors and clear directions for the future.
This past week in third grade we studied God’s faithfulness.  The 3rd grade verse probably applied more to the third grade teacher than to the 3rd grade class.  Lamentations 3:22-24:Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore, I will wait for him.”

We love you all.