Sunday, March 22, 2015

March 22

Dear Friends,
Hilltop Students
I started this letter on the way home from Iowa, but technology failed, and I lost the unsaved documents and photos, which was basically all of it. I had written about the feeling of traveling home—seeing the fields and familiar buildings, and enjoying the changes in the church, school, and town. But truly, what makes any place ‘home’ is the relationships. We treasure the meals, snacks, and conversations we had with you all. You have been a great encouragement to us. Thank you for your generosity, interest, and support of our ministry here among the Navajo. We enjoyed catching up with you and your families and ministries also. God is Good.

Jesus was all about relationships. He could have preached to masses, but He chose to pour His life into His close companions; so we also are intentionally making this a part of what we do. In I Thessalonians 2:5-12, we have Paul’s pattern to follow. At parent conferences this week, when Parent C says they are sending their child to participate in a traditional ceremony to protect him, I listen and don’t assert authority (6). She is probably as torn and mixed up as her child. When Parent L relates that she is overwhelmed with all she has to do, I want to be gentle and tender with her (7).  I am thinking about a tangible way to help her with the burden. When Grandma T (the guardian) relates her own hospital stay and health issues, I want to show affection and let her know that she is dear to me (8). When Parent J hesitates to pray with me, I encourage him that we want to relieve their burdens and not add more (9). So, as the conferences went on, I found myself exhorting and encouraging the parents (11). Some are Christian believers, and many are close to trusting Jesus as Roger and I share our vision of a life of hope for their children.

Navajo Nation Offices in Window Rock
Well, that was our week. Thankfully, a group from Kansas has been here all week. They were very helpful in our classrooms as well as with a construction job on the Western Indian Ministries Campus. The Lord knew who we needed for this week. In class, we’re working on the Easter Program and focusing on the Final Week of the life of our Lord. We’ll need wisdom when presenting the crucifixion lessons. Many movie clips are available, but our kids are just little children, and some of these clips might be too graphic for them.

The temperatures are on the rise, and, like you, we’ll soon be tackling the weeds. Enjoy each season as God brings it into your life.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March 1

Dear Friends,
Aren't they cute!
We’ve been slammed by snow again this week. For three days it snowed, and then the rain started. So now we’re deep in mud too. Since we walk to school, we’ll leave it for you to imagine what our boots look like after smucking and slurping both ways. The snow doesn’t put a halt to the schools or the government, so we don’t get “snow days.”

More Snow
We are preparing for a busy Spring Break. We’ve scheduled a couple of presentations in Fort Dodge, Iowa, to share what we are doing here and to raise support. Thank you for your prayers for our trip—from Arizona to Iowa—
and the scheduled and unscheduled opportunities.

The older children shared their stories with the younger ones.
School continues to march along. It’s hard to believe it’s three quarters over already! We definitely love our ministry here at Hilltop Christian School. Sometimes it is frustrating because we know that the things we teach about our Lord are taken in and added to a bunch of other Navajo traditions and teachings, which don’t make sense to a child. We know that our God is greater and calls people out of darkness. We have families with many backgrounds: traditionalists, Mormons, Baptists, Catholics, and non-religious people. I just found out that one of my boys who knows all the answers in Bible class never goes to church at all. All the teaching he gets is from us here at the school.

My newest student continues to struggle in all areas, especially academically and behaviorally. But I think he is trying to do better. Some of the children remember his behavior from public school, and they aren’t giving him a chance to change. We had a talk about how Jesus is powerful and changes people when they follow Him, so they don’t do the same [bad] things they did before. I need prayer for him and myself.

As always, thank you for your prayers and thoughts on our behalf.

At least the boys like it!

Mis-Match Day.