Let me tell you about Nasmith. For the first quarter, he seemed immature and academically unready for his grade. He shouted out constantly and broke out loudly into video game songs randomly throughout the day. Though he passed most of the subjects, he was failing Bible because he had no background and because, according to his mom, he had no interest in learning about the Bible.
The next few months, the parents made a real effort to help Nasmith with his math and reading, and those hours have paid off with higher grades. But most heart warming is the change in the music that flies out of his mouth. These days, it’s mostly songs from music class or Bible class that burst out. One of his favorites is “Hallelujah to the Lamb.”
The parents, one “Christian” and one Traditional believer thought his Bible grade was worth working on too, so they asked for the list of Bible stories for each week and a children’s Bible. It’s been so encouraging to see his grades rising and his parents learning the Bible stories along with him.
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The children asked for seconds on the smoothies served by the Tiger Tots Program workers. |
As kids do, sometimes they get the words of the Bible verses mixed up. When Nasmith was reciting John 3:16, he said, “For God so loved the world he gave his only forgotten Son…” We’re excited to see that although little Nasmith doesn’t have the words right, he and his family have softened to God’s Word and God’s love. Nasmith processes information by talking and asking questions, so these days he bursts out with a concoction of golden facts that he is trying to internalize such as: “Jesus loved us so much that he died on the cross for us” Or “They put Him in the grave, but he didn’t stay there.” God’s Son has not forgotten Nasmith and his family.
We’ve only a few weeks left of the school year, and the busyness never ceases.
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Reuniting with friends from a previous school. |
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Spirit Week: each class made pompoms, hats, pennants, and a cheer. |
Thank you for your prayers and gifts. We ask for you to pray that we remain strong and energetic until the end of this school year. We are also working on summer plans, but more about that later.
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This is what I look like. |