Monday, November 3, 2014

Nov. 2

Dear Friends,
Jesus is more like a Navajo than a Biligaana (white person).  Jesus has brown skin, lived in a culture familiar with shepherds, was attached to his family, and was given identity by his tribal (clan) ancestry.

Jesus came from a people who were very connected to the land – the Land of Promise, which God had given Abraham. When the desert wind beats me and the cold bites, I say, “Who would want to live here?” But the Navajo have a spiritual and emotional devotion to this land. They wish to be “free people in their own land.” Not unlike the nation of Israel.

Cowboy chuck wagon
Tiger Tots learning about Nutrition
The Navajo are proud people who resist Christianity as a white man’s religion, saying, “We have our own way.” They are a people of rituals and practices that give their lives meaning as they seek the “Beauty Way” to keep them balanced in this crazy life.

Real Jr. Cowboys
We are seeking wisdom on ways to teach our school-children better – for even if they know phonics and multiplication, if they don’t know Jesus, our teaching has been unprofitable. So, as we tell our Bible stories, we endeavor to make them more real by connecting with what we know about the Navajo land and culture.

Cowboy hat day
Please pray for the elections this week: Here in the Navajo Nation, they will probably vote for everything except the President.  Dine’ Bizaad (Navajo language) is central to the Navajo and the preservation of the culture.  The President is required to be fluent in Navajo.  One of the two candidates was recently disqualified because of lack of fluency in the language.  They will hold the election for all offices except president.  (That election will be held at a later date.) We pray that they will eventually vote for a Christian man to lead their land.

Best Test Answers of the Week:
Q. What did Daniel Boone build at the end of his explorations?
A. Boonies Burgers (correct answer is Boonesborough)

Q. Why did the Pilgrims leave England?
A. It was too cold.

We love you and pray God’s blessings on your lives,

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