As you might have seen/heard on the news, the new President
of the Navajo Nation, Russell Begaye, was inaugurated on May 12, 2015. Nelson Betoney of Western Indian Ministries
interviewed Mr. Begaye and the vice-President Jonathan Nez on our radio station
KHAC a week before the inauguration. The interview flowed back and forth
between fluent Navajo and English, but I can share with you are some of the
quotes I heard in English. We sense a new hopefulness here.
Begaye: The Lord selects
a new leader. God is always in control [of the ballots]. We’re His instruments
to make a lot of these things come about.
We didn’t know if we
would win because you never know how people will vote.
KHAC: What were you thinking as you were hearing the results
come in?
Begaye: I was out at
the Chapter Houses thanking people for the voting, so at first I wasn’t even in
Window Rock listening to the results.
First I was thankful. I
was thankful to the Lord for the results that had come in. I wasn’t thinking so
much about being President at that time… I wanted the right words as I was
going to speak to the people.
I was thinking, “God is in control.” I was thanking the people for turning out for the election. Forty-one thousand voters turned out. For me that [being elected the President] was not a concern right then. God gives you the mind of Christ and the energy and wisdom to do the job. God puts it in you. God is going to be leading out, whatever we do. I was just thanking the people.
KHAC: Have you been inspired by any Bible characters who
were in government? Who is your example? Who do you relate to?
Begaye: I think Daniel
is a good example. They were in enemy country and [Daniel and his friends] never
abandoned their faith. They stood on the foundation of their faith. The [Babylonian]
culture tried to bring them into their culture, but they were protected by the
Lord. They came out as the smartest people -- standing on the Rock.
We are going to be
standing on the Rock during our administration. Jesus is the Cornerstone-- the
solid Rock.
Also I think about Josiah
who took over the throne at such a young age. It is important to note that when
these rulers took their eyes off the Lord, everything kind of collapses on
them... The whole nation suffers, not just that king or leader. That is the
work of God.
Those leaders had to depend
on the Lord. I have to depend on God in the same way.
I have a Daily Bible
verse Program into my phone. Today’s Proverb says: “The mind of man makes his
plan, but the steps are directed by the Lord.” This is very fitting.
When we were elected,
the news went around the world. The world heard from two people [myself and
Jonathan Nez] who love the Lord who are going to lead the Navajo Nation. The New
York Times and other major newspapers ran the stories.
So, I’m believing that
as we keep ourselves in God’s hand, He’ll bless us beyond what you can imagine.
It makes us feel humble and grateful. We really rely on prayer warriors.
Nez: For us, we slept
well and were at peace, because we felt this was the calling of God. God is the
One who bestows authority on leaders. You can see that truth in the Bible going
back to the time of Samuel. We have been very open about our Christian faith.
KHAC: Some people thought you weren’t going to win at all,
but you came up on top.
Nez: Yes, that is a
miracle in itself.
KHAC: Share about your family.
Nez: We plan on
sending our son, Christopher to Hilltop Christian School. Right now he’s
homeschooled. They are always with me. He is seven years old, and he’s been all
over the United States at his age. He’s seen Washington D.C., many times. One good
thing about homeschooling is that we get to travel together. …We’re moving into
our house now and getting situated. Christopher
is already a runner. He runs 5k already. He likes to go exercise with my wife
and me.
KHAC: How did you select Mr. Nez as your running mate?
Begaye: It is
privilege to have Jonathan Nez as vice-President. He is the best that the
nation has ever had. He’s widely experienced as a county supervisor and a counsel
delegate. He’s chaired the Budget and Finance Committee.
I asked several
different groups as well as my own team who would make a good VP. They all
submitted 4-5 names, and Jonathan’s name came in on every list. The Lord just
brought us together. We complement each other and make a strong team. He’s
young, so he brings a different perspective; but we are unified as we serve
Nez: We are working on
several projects and continuing some initiatives that I started when I was on
the counsel… All of the election was a miracle and a truly humbling experience.
I am thinking of that verse in Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good
for those who are called for His purpose.” I am looking onward to the next
stage of my life as Russell Begaye’s vice-President.
Begaye: We have been
asking who wants to help us in our administration and have gotten a lot of
response. All the pastors – our pastors are the watchmen standing in the gap-
really want to help especially to help build and renovate homes for our people.
We are planning to partner with faith-based groups to help each other. We will
be looking towards our brothers and sisters in Christ who want to help. We need
the help of believers to do the things that our people need.
Begaye: People have
told us, “We’re creating a Begaye-Nez prayer circle.” Thank you for your
support and your prayers.
KHAC : Pray, all of you across the Navajo Nation, for our
new President and vice-President and for the Navajo Nation.
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