Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9

Matthew 6: 20 “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

Dear Friends,
Dressed up for Picture Day
I’m overflowing with treasure today. Here are stories about witnessing experiences from students (who all profess to be Christians) that I taught two years ago. I am so blessed to see how they have grown.

(From Natalie, their current teacher)
The assignment was to approach someone and explain to him either a Christian tract or the Colors of Christ bracelet, and then give it to him as a gift.  I prayed for them earnestly throughout the weekend, and to good avail; for when they came back on Monday, here is what they wrote and then read aloud to the class.

It was a rainy afternoon and my mom’s friend’s kids had come over.  All of a sudden I felt this fire-like reminder.  As we sat down to eat, I remembered my homework. I was nervous, but I said to myself, “Come on, let’s just over with it. Tell them about Christ.”  That same fire came upon me, and I was ready.  I took out my paper and bracelets.  I read and talked about the tracts.  Then I went to the bracelets.  They seemed very excited to have the bracelets.  I asked if they had any questions. One of them asked how did Jesus die?  I explained how Jesus died on the cross.

First snow (almost gone already)
I was at my house, and this guy knocked on the door asking for water.  So I got him a water bottle.  I took it to him, and I went back inside to watch T.V.  A few minutes passed, and I looked outside and I saw him still sitting there. This made me nervous, but I just went outside anyway.  The man looked at me, and I said, “Do you know Jesus?”  He responded,  “No, I don’t like any kind of religion because it’s just gonna cause problems.”  So I said, “Like what?”  He said, “Like when my mom died; I was praying asking God to heal her, but He didn’t, and she died right in front of me.”  So I said, “Sorry for your loss.”  He said angrily, “Now go back inside and leave me alone.” 
Clothing Give-Away for the Community

We were at the carnival in Gallup, and I was standing in front of these boys that were wanna bes.  They started talking to us.  We were laughing and stuff.  Then I asked if they knew God.  They got quiet and said, “No, why would I need Him?” Then my friend and I told them about God.  I showed them the bracelets.  I gave away both of them.  After that we said good-bye and departed.

(Natalie closed with: Our God is an awesome God, and these children surely are special!)

One more treasure: Halfway through last school year, a new first grader came who was six months behind the others. I tutored him, and by the end of the year, he was doing fine. Last month I happened to see his father as he picked the children up from school, and I asked him how things were going. He said he was going back to school to be a teacher. I guessed that he was going to teach high-schoolers computers or something like that since that’s what he did in the Marines. But he said, “No, I want to do what you do…. make a difference in the lives of the little ones.”

Won’t it be wonderful to meet people in heaven who have become Christians because of your investment of prayer and finances?

Support: Western Indian Ministries:
P.O. Box 9090, Window Rock, AZ 86515

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