Sunday, May 16, 2021

April 2021

 Greetings from windy Tse Bonito:


Good News! Across Nations held a drive-through Share-a-Thon to raise money for the Radio Station last Saturday. The goal was $15.000, and $12.000 was raised! I helped greet the cars, pass out gift bags, and collect donations. Over 100 cars drove through. Many radio fans stayed to listen to the music performed on the outdoor stage. Because the old radio building is condemned, we are in the process of building a new one from shipping containers. If you want to contribute towards this project, feel free to send a donation to Across Nations and designate it for the Share-a-Thon.


Good News! Hilltop Christian School has continued to remain Covid free. We praise God for the protection of students and staff.  Of course, we continue with the protocols and cautions commanded by the health agencies.


Good News! We frequent a certain fast-food place in town and have made friends with the staff there. They know we are teachers at Hilltop, But I was still surprised and delighted when a worker left her station behind the counter to come out to ask me to pray for a situation in her life. Wow! 


Bad News. A young child talked about the commotion at her house and the involvement of the police. I asked her teacher if it were true, and the teacher confirmed that her life is in turmoil. But she said that the Lord had provided a relative close by where the children could run when things got weird at home.


Bad News. The children in our class often share prayer requests about their parents leaving or drinking or behaving in other ways that cause disruption to their lives. These requests cause distress in our hearts. Continue to pray for a specific family. I believe the stress of Covid has contributed to this battle in the home. 


Fun Facts from First Grade: A girl asked me how old I was, and a boy quickly piped up, “You can’t ask an OLD lady her age.” 

*When we studied insects and butterflies, a girl told me that when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly, it is like when Jesus comes into your heart. What an unexpected blessing to share with the other children.

*One boy told his dad that it was OK to phone me at 9 PM because I would still be at school. (Though some workdays are long, I rarely stay that late.)


Thank you for your support, encouragement, and prayers.

·      Continue to pray for good health through these last six weeks of school.

·      Pray for enrollment for next year.  Many of our school families are on the fence regarding reenrollment.

·      Pray for our staffing needs for the coming year. I don’t know exactly what they are right now, but we usually are looking for staff.

·      Our library/computer building is unsafe, so we need a solution for that. This year because of Covid, we have kept classrooms intact in one room. But hopefully, we’ll be able to have Special Classes next year in their own separate area.

·      Pray for our families. Many have lost several members to Covid and their homes are not havens for the children.



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